Monday, after my errands, I decided to go to a local park and take a few pictures with my phone. I snapped a few and was a bit displeased with the photos because they were coming out too dark.
I was dealing with a frustration that many photographers and other outdoor enthusiasts struggle with late in the day, I was losing the light! I pulled into my parking spot and walked into the park thinking I had plenty of time and ample daylight left to get the shots I wanted. I was wrong!
My window of opportunity to utilize the light passed before I was ready for it to. If we are not careful our opportunity to walk in the true light of Jesus Christ (John 8:32) will pass before we expect it to.
This life is as temporary as a vapor, that rises and quickly vanishes. We cannot assume that we will have daylight left to obey God further down the road. The sunset of our life may come sooner than we expect it to!
Jesus used a similar analogy in John 9:4-5 -
4 We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. 5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
My impromptu photoshoot was a last-minute idea, but I implore you don’t let Jesus be an afterthought! Make Jesus the priority in your life while it is still day!
Don’t lose the light, obey Christ today!
David McNees
